Vaccination for Dogs

To help prevent the spread of canine diseases, we recommend that every dog is vaccinated from the age of 8 weeks.

Vaccines contain harmless forms of viruses and bacteria which cause the diseases that you dog needs to be protected against. Following a vaccination, your dog”s immune system generates a protective response which will help to prevent the dangerous forms of these infections making your dog ill.

The vaccines that we use protect against:

Canine Distemper

This virus targets the gut, respiratory tract and nervous system. In some instances, the foot pads and nose can become cracked. Disptemper has a long incubation period (the period between contact with the disease and development of illness) so it is usually too late to vaccinate after the outbreak has begun

Infectious Canine Hepatitis

This is a disease which attacks the liver, kidneys, eyes and lungs of dogs. This disease, if contracted, has a rapid onset and can cause death within 24-36 hours. Some dogs can however recover, but then shed the virus for many months, posing a threat to other dogs.

Canine Parvovirus

This virus is very persisent in the environment and is unaffected by many household disinfectants. Dogs of all ages can becoem infected but puppies are particularly susceptible. Even with veterinary treatment, this virus can be fatal. Vaccination has already proved very successful by reducing the instance of this disease, but has by no means eliminated it.

Canine Parainfluenza

This is a component of kennel cough. Several infectious agents passed on through airborne droplets from one dog to another cause this disease. The main signs are a harsh hacking cough with gagging and retching which gives the appearance of having something stuck in the throat.


This is a condition caused by bacteria. We routinely vaccinate against four different forms of Leptospira. One is picked up from watercourses contaminated with the urine of infected rats. Dogs can encounter this when swimming or drinking. This form of the bacterium attacks the liver and kidneys and is often fatal. It can also be transmitted to humans. The second for is caught from urine of other infected dogs. It targets the kidneys and damages them. Sometimes the damage only becomes evident as the dog becomes older and develops kidney failure.

We also have other vaccinations available to dogs:

Kennel Cough vaccination

this helps to protect against Bordertella Bronchiseptica, another component of kennel cough.

also, for non routine vaccination, we offer:

Rabies vaccinations

Although the UK is currently a rabies free country, dogs must be vaccinated against rabies prior to travelling abroad, as well as fulfilling other passport requirements.

Herpes Vaccinations

Canine Herpes Virus is contagious and infectious. It involves disorders due to reproduction and loss of life of puppies with in three weeks. It also leads to abortions, infertility and still births. The vaccination that exists should be used within three days to protect the puppies. Injection is given to the mother at the time of oestrus i.e. heat and then before whelping another injection is given to the mother. We do not routinely advocate this product for use in general, only for breeding bitches.